Unreal Tournament Map

Game: Unreal Tournament (UT99)
Game Type: Monster Hunt
Title: MH-Fuedal
Map Filename: MH-Fuedal(SB)V2.unr
Release Version: 2
Release Date: 19 Feb 2016
Single Player: yes
Multiplayer: yes, best 4-6 (10 player starts)
New Sounds: yes
New Graphics: no
Bot support: no


This map is taken from package "AS-Fuedal" and modded by SeriousBarbie to Monsterhunt.


see file "./Help/MH-Fuedal(SB)V2-md5sums.txt"


Original Map Author

Name: David R. Lamberson (OSMIUM)
Contact: jsusan1 AT qwest MAKEADOT net


Name: SeriousBarbie
Contact: SeriousBarbie AT googlemail MAKEADOT com
Credits: Thanks to beta tester Jetlagg
Other maps by SeriousBarbie: MH-TwinTower(SB), MH-UnderDark(SB), MH-Niven(SB), MH-AutoRIP(SB)


No copyright claimed. Do whatever you want.


MH-Fuedal(SB)V2, Release 2016-02-19

MH-Fuedal(SB)-Rev1, Release 2014-10-16

MH-Fuedal(SB)-Rev0, Release 2014-09-23


To install this package, just put the files of the archive in the corresponding directories of your UT installation. (But before overwriting already existing files, try using the existing files or check the md5 sums. If you overwrite existing files, other maps meight not work anymore.)

You can then choose "MH-Fuedal(SB)" from the "Start Practice Session > Monster Hunt" menu.